Follow-up requirements

Follow-up testing (when needed) shall start within one month after receiving the initial test results. Follow-up testing must be made in the same location and under the same conditions as the initial measurement.

Interpretation of follow-up results

Completion and Reporting

Fill out and sign the ODH School Radon Testing Report Form The form shall be sent within ten working days of providing the school with a complete report. The form should be faxed to 614-466-0381 or mailed to the following address:

School Radon Testing Program
Ohio Department of Health
Bureau of Radiation Protection
246 N. High St. 7th Flr. 35 Bldg.
Columbus, OH 43215-0118

School administrators shall notify parents and staff of radon testing results in a brief summary as soon as possible but no later than one month after follow-up test results are received. If elevated radon levels exist, the notification should include the school's plan to reduce the level. A copy of all testing documentation shall be kept in the main office of the school for parents, staff and ODH inspectors to views.